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Monday, May 5, 2014

Evaporative Cooler Day

Heading into the foothills
Shortened the hike a smidgen this morning so I could get home before the day heated up too much; I had to get up on the roof and hook up the evaporative cooler because we're heading into the hot days of spring and summer.  Another item from the home front:  we've had a small lizard in the house for the past few days, and I'm having a heck of a time convincing it to head to a door so I can let it outside.  We've had this happen before, but this lizard is particularly skittish so it's a real battle of wits:  me against the critter.  So far I'm losing.
A break from the heat

There are people on the mountain

Big Bend Patchnose Snake

Closeup of the Patchnose Snake

Fruit of the Banana Yucca

What can you say about a jackass who drives off road like this?

Banana Yucca and observatory

Strawberry Pitaya flower


Scott said...

PERFECT spring weather here in the northern Piedmont, Packrat (after a record-breaking deluge last Wednesday that completely ruined our floodplain trails--again).

When Kali and I lived in Florida, we had a small snake in the house for several days. Try as I might, it always found a crack into which to slither. I never did find out where it went. I hope you have better luck.

Dr. K said...

I really like summer, except for the snakes.

packrat said...

Sorry to hear about the ruined trails, Scott.

I've had several shots at catching the lizard, but, like your snake, it finds a way to elude me. The last lizard eventually made a dash into the patio enclosure and I was able to open a door and encourage the critter out.


Faxon Yuccas Willow and I did a morning hike while Dr. K stayed at home getting ready for our trip to the high country, where we are now. Bu...