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Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Morning Along the Rim

Starting on the Rim Trail from Parking Area #4
Dr. K, Becca and I put some miles on our paws this morning as we did a long hike on the Rim Trail from Parking Area #4.  Amazingly, on a Saturday, we ran into absolutely no-one else.  We did kick up a few deer and elk, but they were so anxious to avoid us I didn't even have time to get my camera out of its carrying case.  When we were headed back to Cloudcroft I stopped at the ranger station to see if I could find a book I'd been looking for, but we were surprised to find the place closed.  Dr. K suggested the closure on weekends has to do with cutbacks.
Indian Paintbrush

Way up ahead on the narrow trail

A work of modern art

Quaking Aspens

Packrat and Becca

Dr. K and Becca

Packrat on a toppled Ponderosa Pine rootball

Rocky Mountain Irises are blooming all over the Sacramento Mountains

Blending in perfectly

Rocket-like Aspen

Three contented consumers of gorp

View of the Tularosa Basin from the Rim Trail

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The aspens are especially interesting on this part of the trail.

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The long view Today was a 180 from yesterday morning; there was no wind, which made a world of difference.  Although a bit chilly at the sta...