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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Errand Day

Chilly in the mountain's shadow
We only saw one woman mountain biker during our slightly-abbreviated hike this morning.  Then we ran into Jimmy at the end of our trek.  I would have liked to have chatted with him longer, but I had a few errands to run before going grocery shopping at Target and Albertsons.  Last week I was pleased to discover that Target had gotten all new shopping carts, and I was happy to drive one again this morning.  It was like a Cadillac compared to the junkers they had before--ones with crooked wheels that drove like flat tires and made embarrassing screeching noises.
Heading for the sunlight

The tongue tells the tale

Another surprising find:  more blossoming Soaptree Yuccas

I guess it feels like spring to these Yuccas

Old flower stalks and new

Scott's Oriole singing its pretty song to another one nearby

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The Scott's oriole is one of the prettiest of the songbirds, in my humble opinion.

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