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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Signs of Autumn

Yellowing Ocotillo leaves
This morning as Becca and I made our trek around Tortugas Mountain the first thing we noticed was a touch of Fall in the breeze.  It won't last long, though, as we're heading for a high of 97 F.  Many of the Ocotillos we spotted along the way had an abundance of yellowing leaves, and the Creosote Bushes were sporting fuzzy white seed balls.  About the only thing that isn't a sign of Autumn was the Jackrabbit I photographed from several different perspectives.  Old Jack (or Jill, as the case may be) will hang around all year, though he'll be a bit less visible in Winter.
Longer shadows because the sun is riding lower in the sky

Ocotillo in Autumn attire

Three ways of looking at a Jackrabbit

A true hare

A curious one, too

Down into the lower desert

Tortugas Mountain foothills

Taking a break to look back at the Tortoise

Too curious about something to lie down

In the distance the Franklin Mountains near El Paso, Texas

Closer in to the mountain

Creosote Bush seed balls


Scott said...

Between yesterday (Labor Day) and today, we're having two of the hottest days of this summer. And, it's miserably humid, too. You'd never know autumn's coming on around here unless you look at the flowering dogwoods, whose leaves are deep magenta right now. It's amazing how the ocotillo leaves yellow-up as depicted your first image; it wasn't that long ago that you were talking about how the leaves were just beginning to emerge.

Dr. K said...

I hate to see the ocotillo leaves already turning yellow.

packrat said...

Scott and Dr. K:

I was surprised to see just how many Ocotillos were bearing yellow leaves. As you said, Scott, I've just been talking about how green they've been. We're supposed to get some rain later this week, but I think it's too late for them to put on the greenery again.

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