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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Provision Day at the Ranch

High-rent district
I had to cut our morning hike a bit short this morning because it was time to drive into town to pick up provisions afterwards.  While we were hiking we ran into only two people, a couple of guys jogging around the mountain.  They looked a tad anxious when Becca dropped into her herding posture, but relaxed noticeably when they saw she was going to stay down.  I often worry that some people will view her behavior as aggression, when nothing could be further from the truth.  All she wants to do is a little herding.
Becca spots movement

Is it this?

Becca's past attempts at catching Jackrabbits have ended in failure

Looking back at the Tortoise

Mule Deer footprints

Next to a tall Ocotillo

The Pass of the North is down that-a-way

Soon the Ocotillos will be shedding their leaves

A real old timer

Loggerhead Shrike

Here's looking at you, kid

Loggerhead Shrikes will catch insects and impale them on thorns

Hopping up before . . .

taking off

Tortugas Mountain (left) and the Organ Mountains

Bishop Cap in the distance

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Those shrikes are clever and brutal in how they impale insects on thorns.

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