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Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day at Tortugas

Heavy duty spider web
When Becca and I started off around Tortugas this morning the parking lot was nearly empty.  It soon began filling up, evidenced by the large number of people we saw on our return trip:  hikers, runners, even equestrians.  We bumped into a mountain biker and a hiker, and on both occasions Becca was on her very best behavior.  We're headed for another 98 F day; that was the temperature yesterday, too.
Most likely the impression of a small Rattlesnake

Ocotillos still looking good

What does Becca spot in the distance?

Two horseback riders on the mountain road

Making steady progress

Riders of the purple sage

Where rainwater collects

Your chance to see a denuded Yucca trunk


Dr. K said...

Beautiful day and place to ride horses.

Scott said...

With Kali's broken foot, we can't do much, so we stayed around the house today. Right now, I'm sitting in the garden behind my organization's Visitor Center, where there's a beautiful native wildflower garden, a bird feeder, and a fountain. It's bird heaven! Earlier, I went for a modest 10-mile bike ride. It's extremely humid and warm today--a good day to be lazy. Kali calls it "hammock weather."

packrat said...

Sounds nice, Scott. You know what I always hated about "hammock weather," or at least the humid and warm weather you describe, is that if you actually take a nap and wake up thirty minutes or an hour later you're all sweaty and out of sorts; i.e. if there's no steady breeze to cool you down.


Pre-Wind Trek

Artsy tree The wind wasn't yet nasty while Dr. K, Willow and I were out there on our morning hike, but, boy, is it ever bad now (1:27 pm...