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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Shading into Fall

Moon lamp
Although our temperature is heading for 89 F today, the nights are beginning to cool off enough to sense the advent of Autumn.  Other signs are apparent, too, even though there are still green plants, and flowers in bloom.  The wind carries a hint of the coming seasonal change, and the sun is riding somewhat lower in the sky, creating different shadow patterns on the desert mountains.  I, for one, will be glad when summer ends; for one thing, I have had the worst allergies this year than in many years past.
Scouting for other critters

Still mostly green, though yellowing out

Trailing Four O'Clock

Out in the desert west of Tortugas

An arroyo that runs out of Tortugas

Taking a shady break in the arroyo

Time for my closeup

Out of the arroyo and up on higher ground

Small Barrel Cactus

Still a few flowers on the Barrel

On the outer loop road

Little-leaf Sumac berries (birds love them)

Another shady respite


Scott said...

Everyone here at my place is miserable with stuffed-up noses right now. I take a psuedoephedrine tab each morning to drain my sinuses (which are chronically congested anyway).

I guess Hurricane Norbert's rain went further west and north then Las Cruces--perhaps all for the better, given what happened in Phoenix and Nevada.

packrat said...


My brother and his wife, who live in the Phoenix suburb of Glendale, got 2.6" of rain the other day; their property was okay, though, because their yard drains in the direction of the golf course they live on. However, there was a lot of damage in the Phoenix area. We got just a smidgen of Norbert's moisture. Here they're talking about more rain for Friday, but I haven't heard much about it yet.

Dr. K said...

I love the purple color of the trailing 4 o'clock.

Saturday with Wils

Hill west of LDR-A Dr. K had to host an orientation session for new League of Women Voters members this morning so it was Willow and me on t...