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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Long Midweek Hike

Franklin Mountains near El Paso
An excellent long hike this morning in cool, but slightly warmer weather than yesterday.  We encountered several people on our trek including six soldiers carrying heavy packs; they were headed to the top of the mountain no doubt.  That bike inner tube pictured below I put in a plastic bag inside my daypack and hauled it home to throw away.  I find one every so often, which is surprising because I believe most mountain bikers are environmentalists.  I felt lucky to get those good photos of the Scott's Oriole because these Orioles generally don't hang around long enough to photograph.
Rest break in the shade of a tall Yucca

This and the six that follow:  an acrobatic Scott's Oriole

Getting ahead

Dune Evening Primrose

Mid-hike lie down

Prickly Pear Cactus

Discarded bike inner tube

Prickly Pear blossom

Six soldiers passed us and Becca was very well behaved

Prickly Pear flowers

Cholla starting to bloom in our yard

New Mexico Whiptail Lizard

Cholla blossom in our yard

Same cholla different flower

Last year's Cholla fruit

Orange Prickly Pear flower in our yard

Another of our chollas getting ready to bloom

Blind Prickly Pear flowers

Blind Prickly Pear

Blind Prickly Pear, Rosemarry Bush and trees on our property


Dr. K said...

What great photos today, Packrat. The photos of the Scott's Oriole are some of your best.

packrat said...

Why, thank you, Dr. K.


Antes del Viento

View of Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo Sunny with little wind when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike.  We saw the T...