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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Reproducing like Rabbits

One of Becca's first respites
There's a proliferation of rabbits and hares this spring such that we're encountering a significant number of individuals each morning.  They're not the only ones multiplying like bunnies; there's a huge number of grasshoppers in the desert these days.  Every time Becca hikes ahead of me I marvel at the swarms of hoppers she's kicking up.  At about the same spot Becca appears in the first image here--on the way back--we bumped into an elderly couple, a man and woman (husband and wife?) we see fairly often hiking in the desert.  They're a very friendly pair who seem to really enjoying trekking in the Chihuahuan Desert.
The view from where Becca's lying (above)

What has she spotted?

This:  one of the countless rabbits we've seen every morning this spring

Bishop Cap in the distance

The happy hiker

We're heading up that dirt road

Across the desert to the Organ Mountains

Yellow ball Acacia flowers

Soaptree Yucca with flower stalks

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The acacia flowers have a sweet scent.

Antes del Viento

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