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Tuesday, May 19, 2015


This Desert Cottontail wasn't too worried about Becca and me
It was hot this morning, but not nearly as warm as yesterday at the same time.  On our way back we ran into a man named Randy who lives out in Talavera.  He often stops on his way to work to get in a quick hike he said.  He was very interested in Becca because he's a dog lover, and we talked about dogs and their various personalities for ten minutes or so. Becca got close to letting him pet her, but never quite did.  She can be somewhat suspicious and standoffish at times, but never mean.
Same rabbit, different profile

Looking to see who else is in the desert

Soaptree Yucca blossoms

A Soaptree Yucca at our hacienda about to bloom for the first time in years

Drive-side entrance to the hacienda

Watering a Red Yucca with evaporative cooler runoff

Some of the flora on the arroyo side of the house (including a Desert Willow)

The water bleed-off line fed through a canal on the roof

Blind Prickly Pear Cactus and Rosemary

Some of the huge Creosote Bushes in our desert property

Arroyo side of the house

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

How did you get that rabbit to pose for you?

Antes del Viento

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