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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Busy Saturday

Yucca moon
It was crowded on the mountain this morning, filled, perhaps, with Good Friday remnant people.  Becca and I had encounters with other hikers and mountain bikers, but nothing like the "Grand Central Station" crowds we bumped into yesterday.  We saw Br'er Coyote just off the trail back into the high foothills and we pursued him for a while, but I never got close enough to even attempt a photo; he lost us in a tangle of Ocotillos and Catclaw, and by the time we'd circled around the briar patch he was nowhere to be seen.  Not surprising considering how canny the Trickster is.
Anxious to keep trekking

Pale Evening Primrose

Sandy respite

Claret Cup and bud

Torrey Yucca and the Organ Mountains

Chihuahuan Desert greening out

Mormon Tea beginning to flower

Prickly Pear Cactus budding out

Claret Cup is blooming all over the desert

Wild Buckwheat

Castor and Pollux

Creosote Bush, Ocotillos, Claret Cup Cacti, Torrey Yuccas and Desert Broom

Three amigos

Yet another shade break

Devil's Claw

Buggy Whips budding out

Desert Chicory

Desert Chicory

Mesquite Trees growing in a distant gorge

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

So nice to see the desert beginning to green out now that Spring is here.

Home Run

Sniffing heeler Dr. K, Willow and I took a hike in the forest behind our cabin this morning; it was a good aerobic workout.  Odd find on our...