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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday Walkabout

On the trail behind Tortugas Mountain
Dr. K, Becca and I embarked (actually Becca "emwhimpered" during the drive) on a long trek out of the Monte Vista area on Tortugas Mountain's east side this morning.  We combined miles of hiking on well-established trails with periodic bushwhacking detours into the outback in order to explore blooming plants in secluded locales.  We only had one encounter with other outdoor enthusiasts, three mountain bikers who were parked on the trail talking.  When they saw us approach one greeted us while another said, "We'll get out of your way."  And they took off in a counterclockwise direction around the back of the mountain.  We saw a few distant hikers who were miles away from us, but we bumped into nobody else.  It was a little cooler this morning--as you can see from the blue anorak I'm wearing--but sunny and otherwise very pleasant hiking weather.
Becca spots mountain bikers in the valley

Torrey Yuccas in the high foothills behind Tortugas


Sotol (left) and Torrey Yucca

Striking west

Coming up on three parked mountain bikers

This yucca has a flower stalk as well as a nest

Don't bank on it

Becca and Packrat beside a 7-foot Torrey Yucca

Claret Cup Cactus loaded with blossoms

Distant hikers with dogs

Torrey Yucca with two flower stalks

Tortured Ocotillo

Two Torrey Yuccas growing side-by-side

Beautiful area west of the mountain

Desert Evening Primrose

Two heads are better than none

Splash of color

Headed back after a long trek


Dr. K said...

There's no better way to start the week than with a desert hike.

packrat said...

You've got that right, Dr. K. :D

Home Run

Sniffing heeler Dr. K, Willow and I took a hike in the forest behind our cabin this morning; it was a good aerobic workout.  Odd find on our...