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Sunday, September 25, 2016

A Cold but Grand View

We had to bushwhack to get to this point
A cold front was blowing in just as Dr. K, Becca and I hit the Grand View Trail this morning, making the 55F temperature feel much colder.  The wind abated sporadically during our trek, but the absence of sun made us feel as if we were hiking in early winter rather than early fall.  We had the whole place to ourselves, and we saw not another person for the duration.  We extended our hike by bushwhacking off the beaten track--something we've not done before from the Grand View.  It was worth the effort.  We discovered several meadows filled with yellow flowers, and we chanced upon some rock outcroppings that were fun to explore.  We've decided we'll have to do more bushwhacking here next time we get a chance.
I was determined to try for a wider view

I had to climb partially up a steeply-slanted boulder to get this shot

The magnificent Grand View Trail

Much of our trek was under mostly cloudy skies

A great place for a cabin

I'm guessing a type of Buckwheat

Open meadow just off the trail

Dr. K returning from photographing yellow flowers

Becca smelling the flowers

These babies are blooming all over the place

Indian Paintbrush

Desert Globemallow

Blowing gypsum at White Sands National Monument

Mountain Chickadee

Scattered houses at the base of the mountain


Ready to head through the cut

Midway ramada

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The markings on the mountain chickadee remind me of an owl. Very attractive bird.

Wednesday's Walkabout

Tortugas and the Organs It wasn't as cold as it was yesterday morning, but it felt pretty chilly when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily ...