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Friday, September 16, 2016

TGIF, but Y?

Trekking down from the mountain
Becca and I took a moderately-long hike west of Tortugas Mountain this morning.  When we were midway into the outback, while I was bending down photographing the unidentified yellow flowers below, we heard a distant voice calling out my name.  It was Gregg heading to the mountaintop.  How he spotted us I cannot say since we must have appeared to him as spots in the distance.  We did encounter several mountain bikers, one guy with a Husky called "Tyson" who Becca growled at for being overly cheeky.
Through a small gully

Still haven't IDd this plant with delicate yellow flowers

I thought it was a type of Dalea, but I don't think so now

Hedgehog Cactus

Three images of Desert Marigolds

Devil's Head

This caterpillar-like critter seemed to have scales rather than "fur"

Artsy weed shot

Same weeds, different perspective


Dr. K said...

That last shot, with the weeds against the sky, looked almost like a flock of birds taking off.

packrat said...

Interesting observation, Dr. K. :)

Sunday's Altered Track

Three wise men have seen better days As soon as Dr. K, Willow and I began descending LDR-A arroyo this morning we spotted Two-White-Dogs-Lad...