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Monday, September 26, 2016

Wind Storm!

The "rolls" around High Rolls
The wind started blowing really hard yesterday afternoon, and it got progressively worse throughout the night.  We were under a high-wind warning from midnight until noon today.  When I took Becca out to do her business this morning I felt as if I was walking in gale-force winds.  We packed everything up to head back to the lower desert before we did a hike, at first thinking it might be better to wait until we got down near Las Cruces, but decided instead to do a trek on the Grand View Trail.  Because of the wind we planned on a highly-abbreviated outing, but when we hit the trail the wind suddenly abated; so we did a complete hike before heading out of the mountains.
A few days ago we were looking up at this cabin

Heading for the cut

Down the Grand View Trail

Apache Plume plume

Strong winds tore this old tree apart

Stile over substance

Interesting light on the high desert near High Rolls

We were bushwhacking in that boulder field yesterday

Huge tree at the side of the trail

Cloudy most of the way this morning

Wild Onion

Descending to the trailhead

Lots of healthy Junipers here

Juniper berries, which deer love

Future G&T

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful close-up photos of the juniper berries. G & T is NOT my favorite drink.

Top of the Week Trek

Willow with Dr. K's feet Nothing special about the hike today except it felt slightly cold out there this morning.  Wind added to the ch...