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Friday, February 17, 2017

Grackle Friday

Early start on the trail west of Tortugas Mountain
Becca and I headed out to the same general area we explored yesterday, hoping, of course, to see more members of the Canis latrans family.  Not surprisingly we saw no Coyotes.  We saw very few birds, either, perhaps owing to the strange weather conditions:  darkly overcast with cool gusts.  Nevertheless, we did a long hike west of Tortugas Mountain.  On arriving home we did find a large Grackle grooming himself on the telephone pole line alongside our house.  I took photos of him while he performed acts of prestidigitation.
Trekking toward higher country

Becca well beyond a tall Torrey Yucca

Across the Mesilla Valley

Dynamic sky

Patch of blue

Southern section of the rugged Organ Mountains

Organ Mountains are part of the Rocky Mountain chain

Becca near a sandy arroyo

Clouds that add a little perspective

On the horizon (right) the Franklin Mountains near El Paso, Texas

Heavy blanket

Blue striations

In the hills west of the mountains

High winds aloft moving the clouds about

Black-tailed Jackrabbit

Grackle grooming himself

Scouting around

Doing a magic trick

Any eligible females about?

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Great photos of the sky, Packrat. My favorite one is captioned "A Patch of Blue."

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