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Saturday, February 4, 2017

Little Bottle Lost

We've looked at yucca from both sides now
Yesterday when Becca and I got home from a long hike I took off my small REI daypack and realized I was missing one of my Nalgene water bottles.  When this has happened in the past I've found the missing bottle in the car.  Not this time.  So this morning Becca and I retraced our entire hike of yesterday in reverse, often following our very footprints to determine the way we'd come.  No luck.  I might just not have seen it or, quite likely, somebody picked it up for personal use.  On the positive side we spotted a Red-tailed Hawk searching for prey in the outback, and we saw two different types of Thrashers, a Curve-billed and a Crissal.
Anything good down there to eat?

Deep inside an arroyo

You can lead a dog to a sandy arroyo, but you can't make her nap

Red-tailed Hawk on an Ocotillo wand

Hard to keep a steady hand at 65X telephoto shot

Soaptree Yucca

This and the next two images:  Curve-billed Thrasher

Keeping an eye on me

They often sit on yucca leaves

Contrail sky

Crissal Thrasher

Crissal Thrasher

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Incredibly good photos of the birds, Packrat. You should take photos for the Audubon Society.

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