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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Has Spring Sprung Already?

Curve-billed Thrasher singing for a mate in our backyard
Becca and I got a very early start this morning, and I was surprised at how chilly it was considering we're heading for 80F today.  As soon as we found the sunshine, though, I removed my warmup jacket and hiked in short sleeves.  We strayed far west of Tortugas Mountain into the "outback," and saw nobody, just the way we like it.  We discovered a few flowers in bloom, and several birds that were extra vociferous about attracting a mate.  We saw no mating activity, though, and even if we had we wouldn't report it; this is not a pornographic blog.
Check out the beak on this guy

Beautiful eye

Becca spots dogs on Geothermal Road

Velvety nerisyrenia

Velvety nerisyrenia is a member of the mustard family

Is that a Jackrabbit I see up the arroyo?

Hare today . . .

. . . gone tomorrow

Long arroyo

3' Barrel Cactus

Becca and the Barrel

Fruit atop the Barrel

Token shot of Tortugas and the Organs

Arizona Jewel Flower

Closer look

Closer yet

Arizona Jewel Flower

Either "the spot" or "9"

I shouldn't have sat here

Gotta an itch

Any female Cactus Wrens out there?

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That Arizona jewel flower is very pretty. We're bound to get some winter weather before spring actually arrives.

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