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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Pre-Wind Trek

House Finch on an Ocotillo
Becca and I were able to get in a hike west of Tortugas Mountain before the wind got really bad.  It was probably gusting to 25 mph while we were out there, but it's up to about 60 mph now--truly miserable out in the desert, with blowing dust and sand polluting the air.  On our way back to the car we ran into JC and Olivia and walked with them on the final leg of the trek.  I guess we were all happy to get in some good exercise before the big wind got started.
Fetching look

Ruffled by the wind

Scouting for critters

Desert sun through cloud cover

Spectacle Pod

Spectacle Pod

Wild Rhubarb beginning to bloom

Wild Rhubarb is also known as "Canaigre Dock"

Coming around the bend

Spectacle Pod yet again

Black-throated Sparrow


About to head back up the mountain

Bicolor fanmustard

Early-blooming Torrey Yucca

About halfway bloomed out

The red buds will all turn white

Olivia and JC (Is JC pointing to that blooming yucca?)

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I've never noticed the brick-red markings on the house finch so clearly before. Nice photos before the wind got really really bad.

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