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Sunday, February 12, 2017


Quite a change in the weather from yesterday
Local meteorologists said the wind would pick up at about ten this morning, but when Dr. K, Becca and I hit the Sierra Vista Trail (south) before eight it was already blowing like crazy.  We ran into a guy, Dave, and his dog Varmint who we hadn't seen in a long time, and Becca and Varmint had a good play while we talked.  When we continued on our way Dr. K and I decided we'd have to cut the trek short because of the awful wind.  Bad news is the wind is supposed to get even worse, with gusts to 50 mph.  Additionally the temperature is supposed to drop significantly, high only in the mid-40s tomorrow.  What a change from what we've experienced the last three or four days.
Wind was a real factor right from the start

Soledad Rocks and the Organ Mountains

Soledad Rocks and the Organs

Becca and Dr. K

No real clearing in sight

Becca and Varmint


Sotols growing in the high country

Fendler's Bladderpod

Becca is a happy hiker despite the wind

The rugged Organ Mountains

Baby Fishhook Barrel Cactus

Something about likening it to lichen

High-elevation arroyo

Dr. K and Becca

"Thorny" doesn't begin to describe this bush

Headed back

High foothills of the Organ Mountains

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The wind doesn't ever bother Becca. She just wants to hike no matter what.

Saturday with Wils

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