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Saturday, August 26, 2017

A Trek to the Falls

Smooth Spreading Four O'Clock (Mirabilis oxybaphoides)
Dr. K, Becca and I got an early start on the Bridal Veil Falls Trail this morning, hiked all the way to the falls--stopping to take a myriad of photos along the way--then hiked back at a leisurely pace.  During the entire two-hour trek we saw only a small family (mother, father, two kids and a dog) when we were nearly back to the trailhead; and this on a Saturday morning.  You just can't beat that.  The Sacramento Mountains were just about as green as we've ever seen them, and the sheer number of wildflowers in bloom was simply astonishing.  The images here provide just a small sampling of what we saw.
Smooth Spreading Four O'Clock

Dr. K taking a photograph on the footbridge

Old railroad trestle

Headed down the Bridal Veil Falls Trail

The green Sacramento Mountains

Standing apart from the crowd

Smooth Spreading Four O'Clock was growing all over

Recent rains have caused abundant growth

Smooth Spreading Four O'Clock

Enjoying the nectar

Long way down

Getting closer

Fendler's Globemallow (Sphaeralcea Fendleri)

Apache Plume

Chocolate Flower (Berlandiera Lyrata)

Apache Plume

Chocolate Flower

How green is our mountain?

Indian Paintbrush just opening

A pool of water in an arroyo

Single Cholla flower

Closer look at the blossom


The way we came

Prickly Poppies with Cow Patty photobomb

Sacramento Prickly Poppy (Argemone pleiacantha ssp. pinnatisecta)

Sacramento Prickly Poppy

Sacramento Prickly Poppy

Sacramento Prickly Poppy

Rocky Mountain Zinnia (Zinnia grandiflora)

Trees flourishing along the stream banks

Dr. K and Becca

Bridal Veil Falls

Green leaves near the falls

Falling water through the tree leaves

Chocolate Flower

Becca and Dr. K

White Sands in the distance

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

What a treat to see the Desert Four O'Clock flowers, which were so beautiful. As you said, Packrat, it's amazing how green the desert is.


Guess who Both Dr. K and I were overdressed when we started off on the morning hike.  The weather has been unusually hot of late, but things...