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Monday, August 28, 2017

Last Day High

View of the mountains from our backyard
Last day in the high country for a spell.  Dr. K, Becca and I (well, Dr. K and I) decided we'd leave for the lower desert right after a hike on the Grand View Trail.  Surprisingly--for a Monday--we ran into a woman walking a beautiful dog followed closely by a man who was, perhaps, her husband.  All were very friendly.  We did an hour-and-twenty-minute trek, finished by 10:30 and were back in Las Cruces by noon.  We all wanted to stay longer, but it's back to work for Dr. K; her year-long sabbatical--which passed by at the speed of light--is now over.  Poor Dr. K. :(
Blue Mist Shrub (Caryopteris x clandonensis)

Blue Mist Shrub is also called "Bluebeard"

Sacramento Mountains in backdrop

Septic tank side of the property

Juniper/Pinyon elevation

Similar view

Rails-to-Trails ramada on the Grand View Trail

Moseying along the Grand View Trail

Notice the cactus growing in the rock at lower left

Prickly Rose

Heading around a bend

Fuzzy white balls

Grand View Trail is an all-time favorite

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I never tire looking at that view of the Sacramento mountains.

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