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Friday, November 24, 2017

Post-Holiday Hike

Old trestle over the creek near the footbridge
Dr. K, Becca and I did a 2 1/2-hour trek on the Bridal Veil Falls Trail this morning and we only encountered two other hikers on our way back.  It was a glorious morning in the high desert near High Rolls, and before we'd gone even half a mile we took off our lightweight jackets and stowed them in my daypack.  We're headed for a high of 66F here in the Sacramento Mountains, and it's really hard to believe we're having this kind of weather at the end of November.  Local meteorologists are saying we're in for a warm December, too.  Wonder what kind of winter we'll have this year.
Far side of the trestle

White Sands NM from the Bridal Veil Falls Trail

Becca leading the way

Heading toward the grotto

Natural grotto with a flagstone floor

Looks a lot like Senna

Still leading the way

Becca loves this trail

Heading toward the chasm

Closer look at that gash in the earth

Getting ready to fly away

A type of grass I'm not familiar with

Dr. K and Becca

The porch roof on the old homestead finally gave way

Exploring where we'd not gone before

Dr. K and Becca waiting for the pokey photographer

Heading up the creek bed

We made a U-turn at the cottonwood

Dog with a lion shadow

The riparian area from the upper bank

Sotols (Dasylirion wheeleri) growing alongside and on the rocks


Historical signage alongside the trail

A color version and . . .

. . . a black-and-white version


Departing crows

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It felt more like late Sept, not late Nov. Incredibly warm weather. It was nice to explore a little off the trail by going into the creakbed for a bit.

Sunday Sunshine

1st 2:  Willow in left branch arroyo  We did our regular route this morning seeing no one else along the way.  After the hike--during which ...