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Friday, May 18, 2018

Just Another School Shooting

Whitethorn Acacia west of Tortugas Mountain
Ran into a mountain biker named Chris who we sometimes encounter on or about Tortugas, and he and I talked for twenty minutes about the crazy state of the world.  Then when I got home I learned of the school massacre in Santa Fe, Texas; so far the reports are of nine dead students and one dead teacher.  I find myself getting numb to these incidents, and I think, sarcastically, if we're not going to do anything substantive regarding the gun/mental health issues surrounding these killings why don't we just label them "population-control" measures and leave it at that?
Whitethorn Acacia

A wide arroyo creates a riparian area of sorts

In black-and-white

In color

Partially ruined by desert sun

Desert Cottontail getting breakfast

Slightly disturbed

Ash-throated Flycatcher

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the sweet aroma of the acacia--it tells me that summer is actually here.

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