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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Beyond Toasty

This and the next two:  same Ash-throated Flycatcher
Since today is "resupply the hacienda day" Becca and I took a shorter hike on and about Tortugas Mountain.  It already felt really hot out there, and I suspect the humidity is a bit higher than normal.  I noticed that even at a slower pace Becca seems slightly hobbled in her left front leg--the one she strained--and I'm beginning to wonder if I should see about giving her some glucosamine in case arthritis is flaring in a joint somewhere.  I probably could benefit from taking glucosamine myself.  I'm starting to make that "groaning" noise old people make whenever they stand up or sit down. :)

Four-headed Torrey Yucca

Why is this one of Becca's favorite yuccas?

Because she likes to lie in its shadow

On the brink of entering a deep, steep arroyo

On the upper foothills trail now

Typical Chihuahuan Desert flora growing on limestone outcrop

A 2 1/2' X 2 1/2' ball of Strawberry Hedgehog Cactus

Growing from rock

Prickly Pear and Mormon Tea growing side-by-side

Closer look at I-don't-know-what

Experimental tower

I thought of cropping this, but I like the composition

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the composition of that last photo, too.

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