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Friday, June 29, 2018

On the Trail Again

The way the sky has looked all day
Becca and I got an early start on our trek this morning because I wanted to get in a decent hike before returning home to shower and keep a 10:30 appointment with the doctor I saw two days ago.  She wanted a follow-up to make sure my insect bites were responding to treatment.  They have responded well, but the antibiotic has done a real number on my GI tract, which antibiotics often to do me.  Nevertheless, Becca and I had a good time on our outing, especially because the sky was overcast and there was a slight breeze.  Very un-desert-like here in the northern Chihuahuan Desert.
I think there's a chance of rain in the late afternoon

Scott's Oriole on a dead yucca bayonet

West side of Tortugas

Happy to get back into the desert after a day off

Allthorn in bloom

Is this a green bee or hoverfly?

More Allthorn flowers

Follow this trail to the sky

On the brink of a deep gully

Upper foothills trekker

Trail that heads southwest from the mountain

Above trail in B&W

Same trail, different perspective

Auditioning for a role

Ocotillo corsage

Distant trail up the mountain

Small rock and pebbles
On the mend

Rocky ridge

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I've never seen a green bee before. I'm glad for both you and Becca that it was a little cooler this morning

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