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Friday, June 22, 2018

Keeping it Brief

This and the next two:  new growth from old
Another early start for Becca and me, and another abbreviated hike.  It's just been too hot--even in the early morning hours--to do an extended trek.  There were other outdoor enthusiasts on and about the mountain, but far fewer than yesterday.  I think the heat is starting to burn people out.  I can tell it's affecting Becca when, having traversed slightly more than an eighth mile, she begins moving forward almost reluctantly.  I'm fairly certain we did less than three-fourths of a mile on our excursion today.

Left side of Tortugas

Up the draw

Draw #2

Draw #3

The intrepid trekker

Guard tower

Platforms on the abandoned experimental tower


Mountain biker

Large Prickly Pear pads

I couldn't resist

Becca trudging ahead

Ocotillo shapes

Same Ocotillo

A dense Ocotillo

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Very cute prickly pear pad, Packrat.

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