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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Rare Day Off

Down at the watering hole
To put it bluntly, I felt like crap this morning; so I decided it would be best for both Becca and me to skip the morning outing.  It was already 77F when we got up, and the temperature is headed to a high of 104F--just not the kind of day you want to be slogging around in the desert when you're not feeling well.  We'll have to see what tomorrow brings.  I took the time, though, to do a little photography around the hacienda, and I got a few interesting shots.
The gang's all here

What kind of move is that?


Mesquite beans

Laden with beans

Golden Barrel Cactus

A look at the upper 40

I'm looking through you

Cholla with new growth

A pair of male Scott's Orioles in a Mesquite Tree

The one on the right

Here they are again

This one hung around longer than the other

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the photos of the Scott's orioles in the mesquite tree--they look like impressionist paintings.

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