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Monday, September 10, 2018

A Break Would Be Nice

Strawberry Hedgehog and Claret Cup Hedgehog growing side-by-side
Last night was a repeat of a scenario we've had a few times during the past week:  thunder and lightning begin around midnight followed by heavy rain.  Then the humidity is sky high the following morning.  As we're headed for a high of 91F today it felt pretty miserable for Becca and me when we were trekking on the west side of Tortugas Mountain.  We did a slightly shorter hike because neither she nor I were enjoying ourselves very much.  As a result I wasn't in the mood to take many photos.  Sure will be nice when the temps start consistently dipping into the 80s. 
Into the foothills


Kinda in the shade of her favorite yucca

Looking both ways

Nature pose

What a tangle

Road up the mountain

Bike ride along a damp trail and through a small arroyo

Slightly different look at the mountain road

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Glad to see that you have several photos of Becca today. She's so good about finding even the tiniest piece of shade for herself.

Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...