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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sierra Vista Saunter

Sacred Datura flower and buds
Two factors prevented us from doing a normal hike this morning:  the rainy weather and a transitory limp I've noticed with Becca's right leg.  She's limped each of the past two mornings, stopping almost as soon as I examined her right paw.  I find nothing, so we're wondering if it's arthritis.  I have been giving her a glucosamine/chondroitin/vitamin C supplement for months, but the elevated humidity from recent rainy days might have something to do with joint pain.  So we took a drive out to OMDPNM this morning and did a short saunter on the Sierra Vista Trail.  She seemed fine afterwards.
Sacred Datura buds

Side view of the flower

Frontal shot

The arroyo beside our house

Near the parking lot at the Sierra Vista Trail (Norte)

Some of the boundary poles workers have implanted recently

Weather this morning

On the first plateau

Bushwhacking Becca

Long view

On the trail


Dr. K said...

I'm glad you were able to give Becca a baby walk this morning. And we really need the rain we've been getting.

maddox pax said...
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Not a Frigid Friday

Break #1 37F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning; felt like 31F with a 7 mph wind.  As we started down LDR-A we spotted T...