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Sunday, September 30, 2018

South on Sierra Vista

Trailing Four O'Clock flowers are significantly larger on the Sierra Vista Trail
Dr. K, Becca and I got a bit of a later start this morning, but up on the Sierra Vista Trail at the base of the Organ Mountains it didn't start to feel hot until we were nearly back to our vehicle.  Although there were two trucks in the lot beside our CR-V we saw nobody while we were out in the wilderness--just the way we like it, I might add.  It was a beautiful morning here in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, but darned if we're not heading for a high of 91F, which is ten degrees above normal for this time of year.  As you know I'm sick of the hot weather, but my brother, who lives in Glendale (a suburb of Phoenix) is even sicker of the heat; they're still in the 100s out there.
Trailing Four O'Clock

Soledad Rocks in front of the Organ Mountains

Soledad Rocks

Ocotillos at the side of the Sierra Vista Trail

Bouquet of Blackfoot Daisies

Looks like Chinchweed, but it's not

Another unidentified plant

In a high-altitude arroyo

Apache Plume

Action shot

Contemplative shot


Barrel Cactus fruit

Closeup of the fruit (some still green)

What's she thinking about?

Fall will eventually come to the Chihuahuan Desert

Leaves starting to turn

Through an Ocotillo tangle

The long view on the Sierra Vista Trail

Small Barrel with fruit

Apache Plume

Closeup of an Apache Plume flower

On the way back

A large bouquet of Blackfoot Daisies

Sotols in the foreground

Soledad Rocks (front) and the rugged Organ Mountains

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I was pleasantly surprised by the number of different wildflowers on this trail. A nice way to start the new week.

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