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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Cloudy Morn in OMDPNM

From here on I'll only caption photos that aren't "Clouds over the Organs"
Dr. K, Becca and I headed out to the Sierra Vista Trail (Norte) for an extended trek this morning, and the nearer we got to the Organ Mountains the cloudier it became.  It was cool, too, something Becca obviously appreciated.  Although there were campers at the campground, we only ran into one guy hiking near Black Mountain, our turnaround point.  Today was the first time Dr. K got a chance to see the work the BLM had done in the area, and she was impressed.  They've really made the Sierra Vista Trail, campground and environs quite appealing.
Becca and Dr. K

Who's eating the Barrel Cactus fruit?

Fruit of the Tasajillo (aka "Christmas Cactus)

On the horizon:  Florida Mountains near Deming (65 miles from here)

Tortugas Mountain is like a sunlit island in a dark desert sea

Popcorn flowers?

Becca and a bit of blue sky

Barrel Cactus fruit. yuccas behind

Happy hiker on a cooler morning

Barrel Cactus and the Organs

Patch of blue over Black Mountain

Turpentine Bush

Large arroyo beside Black Mountain

Apache Plume flower and plume

Short-lived clearing

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

There were some spectacular vistas on our hike this morning, and your photos do them justice.

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