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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Dreary Desert Day 2

This is the way the desert looked all during our hike
It was 47F when Becca and I set off on our morning trek today, and it was just as dreary as yesterday.  It felt chilly, but not unusually so; and, fortunately, no breeze to make a wind chill.  It stayed cloudy all during our hike, and at times it seemed as if it wanted to rain.  No precipitation while we were out there, though.  Other nature enthusiasts were on and about the mountain, but we encountered none.  After we got back, and I had showered, Dr. K and I went to the county government building to vote.  We would have taken Becca with us, but she's not registered, and we didn't want to have to answer to any Republican claims of voter fraud concerning our dog.
Becca on a makeup-colored desert floor

Puffy little Cactus Wren

Today's look at the Potrillos

Same Cactus Wren

Same Cactus Wren

Organ Mountains on a cloudy day

Hairy False Goldenaster

Last of the Hairy False Goldenasters

In a wide arroyo west of Tortugas

The far point of today's trek

Desert closeup

Headed back to the mountain

Almost the threat of rain

Yellowing Ocotillo leaves

Closeup of leaves

Not a true geode

Cutleaf Globe Berry

Ripe and unripe fruit of the Cutleaf Globe Berry

Strange to see an Ocotillo budding this late

Closeup of the Ocotillo buds

Pretty little flowers

Poles at the Lineworker school and the Potrillo Mountains

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the closeup of the ocotillo buds. Brrrr! I'm ready for the weather to warm up.

Me and Willie McGee

1st 2:  ocotillos and clouds Dr. K had an appointment this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily trek.  Rather than descending along ...