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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Trek Extension

Took a water break here
I ended up extending this morning's trek a bit longer than I wanted, but neither Becca nor I suffered very much for it.  We are slated to hit 90F today, which is easily ten degrees above normal.  The extended weather forecast shows some 70F days ahead, and we're very much looking forward to cooler temps.  Perhaps when the days begin to get a bit chilly Becca and I can hike even further than we did today.
Trail to the right of the yuccas is one of the steepest up the mountain

Yucca between yucca trunks

Looking back at the way we just came

Becca forging ahead the other way

Flowers and Prickly Pear


Who's that ahead of the pack?

It's Becca

Ocotillo tangle

The new trail west

A pause to take in the surroundings

Further along the new trail (which isn't really new any longer)

Almost to the old single-track

Soaptree Yuccas

Sun through an Ocotillo

Ocotillo over Ocotillo

Break in an Ocotillo's shade

Some type of bee-fly

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I bet Becca enjoyed this longer hike. Happy birthday, Packrat!

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