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Friday, October 12, 2018


Sergio's rain was already here when I got up at 5:30 a.m.  I managed to get Becca out for her morning constitutional before it started coming down heavier.  By the time I'd finished breakfast, etcetera, it had reverted to a light sprinkle, so I decided we'd try to get in a short hike on the west side of Tortugas.  Doppler radar showed that Becca and I were going to get wet on our trek, and indeed we did.  After a short hike we returned home.  Dr. K was waiting to help dry the Beckster off.  Becca and I both got soaked, but at least we were able to get outside for a bit.  Rain is coming down harder and more steadily now.

Despite the forlorn look, she already got her morning hike

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Becca doesn't mind getting soaked as long as she gets to do her daily hike.

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