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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Jovial Giovedi

Early this morning and it still looks full
Becca and I hit the trail west of Tortugas Mountain at exactly 8 a.m., and there were already a few other people out there; but we didn't run into anybody until we were on the final leg of our hike.  We spent well over an hour exploring, sometimes following a trail, other times bushwhacking across a very wet desert.  There was still a lot of moisture in the atmosphere, making it feel quite humid; and I had to remove my Marmot PreCip jacket just a quarter mile into our trek.  We're headed for a high of 73F, and it's supposed to be sunny today--a very nice change from our recent all-day rain.
Yuccas:  the long view

Fishhook Barrel Cactus

Pause for the cause

On the trail previously referred to as the "New Trail"

Strawberry Hedgehog Cactus and Ocotillos

Further along the new trail

Approaching the end of the new trail

Little Hedgehog Cactus casting a long shadow

More Ocotillo buds

Closer look at those buds

Ocotillo, Tortugas and the Organs

Coming up the arroyo

Looking west down the arroyo

Pretty far west of Tortugas Mountain

On the Lineworkers grounds


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like the photo of Becca coming up the arroyo--a quintessential Becca activity.

Me and Willie McGee

1st 2:  ocotillos and clouds Dr. K had an appointment this morning so it was Willow and me on the daily trek.  Rather than descending along ...