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Sunday, April 3, 2022

April Come She Will

First 2:  long views across the desert
Willow, Frio and I got a fairly early start on our Sunday morning trek today.  Fortunately we had no critter encounters during the outing, but we did hear a dog barking in the distance to the north.

We did our usual hike, stopping frequently for me to take photos.  An amazing phenomenon has to do with the patience exhibited by the Heelers when I stop them for a photo-op; they're incredibly well behaved.  They were off lead when I circled the yucca pictured below, and they didn't move until I was ready to put them on lead again.

The weather was beautiful, but it's going to get a bit toasty this afternoon:  83F.  I hope we have a few cool downs before we slip into hotter days.

This & next:  male cones of Mormon Tea

Soaptree Yucca and the mountains

This & next:  Claret Cup Cactus

Another long view

Willow and Frio

This & next:  yucca in B&W

This & next 2: 1st blooming Torrey Yucca we found days ago

Fallen next in the above Torrey Yucca

Clouds and the flank of Tortugas Mountain


Filament cloud

Snagged by an Ocotillo

Different Claret Cup


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Really interesting photos from this morning's hike, Packrat. I especially like the images of the male cones on the Mormon Tea plant.

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