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Friday, April 29, 2022

Shade Finder

Ocotillo in bloom alongside LDR-A
As the weather begins to turn hot our expert shade finder, Willow, puts her skills into full gear.  Take today for example.  Each time we came upon a shady area--no matter how small--Ms. Willow plopped herself down onto the ground.

It only takes Frio a brief moment to follow Willow's lead, and in a few seconds both are relaxing on the desert floor.

We did our whole trek like that today, and I suspect we'll do many more in the coming hot days.

Probably an Ash-throated Flycatcher

Tortugas and the Organs


Mesquite Tree

Didn't realize a hummer made a cameo appearance

Line of mesquites shows where H2O is more abundant

A female Mormon Tea plant

The rest:  Carpenter Bee on Ocotillo flower


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Your last photo of the Carpenter Bee on the Ocotillo flower is amazing.

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