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Monday, September 11, 2023

Change Up

1st 3:  morning sky
Even though it was 82F when Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I started our hike this morning the big break came in the form of clouds that kept the sun from pounding down on us.  A breeze of any kind would have made conditions much more bearable, but you can't have everything.

We followed our normal route today stopping several times for water and a brief respite.  The times when the sun did make an appearance we wished it hadn't; the temperature felt like it went up at least ten degrees under old Sol.

The forecast is calling for a chance of rain over the next few days; let's see how accurate that prediction is.

Tortugas and the Organs


This & next:  Tortugas and the Organs

Soaptree Yucca seed pod

Barrel buds

I'm going to say "female Rufous"

Say's Phoebe taking flight

This & next:  same Barrel Cactus

Willow and Frio


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the image of the Say's Phoebe taking flight.

Ho Ho Hike

Willow relaxing in the left branch arroyo We saw Mrs. Basset and her hounds when we were driving up Tellbrook to the trailhead this morning;...