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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Amarillo, Giallo, Yellow

Yuccas, ocotillo and the mountains
It was hot out there this morning when Dr. K, Willow and I began our daily trek.  We followed the usual route without deviation.

We saw no nature enthusiasts of the human or canine kind, but desert denizens were out and about despite the heat.  The most notable was a bee I tried to photograph repeatedly and only got "fair" images of:  a Red-legged Oil-digger (Centris Rhodopus).  Apparently they're a neotropical bee that has only appeared north of Mexico somewhat recently.

After our outing we drove over to our local Circle K to fuel up the CR-V, and then we took a ride around several of the usual neighborhoods.


Yellowing ocotillos


This & next 2:  same barrel cactus

Looking south in the middle branch arroyo

Willow taking a break

Huge ocotillo in the middle branch arroyo
Whitethorn Acacia flowers

Dr. K and Willow in the right branch arroyo

This & next:  Red-legged Oil-digger bee (Centris Rhodopus)

Same bee as above

Ocotillo with yellowing leaves

Last 2:  same barrel cactus

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Gorgeous images of the Barrel cacti flowers. My favorite is the second photo that you posted.

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