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Monday, August 5, 2024

Meandering Monday

Over the hill
It didn't feel too bad out there this morning when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily hike.

Followed our normal route, stopping often for photo-ops; for some reason I took 49 shots today.

I've been trying to run interference for the tarantula (pictured below) who is now under the overhang on our front porch.  A roadrunner is trying to make a meal of it; I chased the bird off the hood of my car a little while ago.

Oops.  Stepped out just now to see how the tarantula was doing and found one of its legs on the front stoop.  I knew that roadrunner wasn't going to give up until it ate that spider.

Ocotillos and sky

The Wilster


Three barrels

Black-throated Sparrow

East/west cross trail

Barrel cactus and ocotillos

Southwest of Tortugas Mountain

Barrel cactus buds and flower

Closeup of flower

Yucca skirt

Picacho "Peak" and environs

Headed up the right branch arroyo

Looking northward from the right branch

This & next:  inside a narrow section of the right branch

Tarantula on our house

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love the photo of the sunlight on Picacho Peak.

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