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Friday, August 30, 2024

Rain Deficit

This & next:  view of the Organs from the parking spot

Not quite as hot out there this morning, but bone dry; we haven't received the precipitation that was supposed to come over the past few days.

We followed our normal route, stopping several times for water and shade.  All hiking participants seemed to have a good time.

We have to take Willow to the vet this afternoon to get her rattlesnake vaccination.

Prickly pear pad with fruit and hypodermic needles


Barrel cactus

Dr. K looks cute in this photo, Willow not so much


Hill west of Tortugas and the Organs

Doppler Dave Speelman, KVIA, El Paso with dire stats

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

We are so low in rainfall for this year--it's scary.

Saturday with Wils

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