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Friday, May 27, 2011

Alameda Park, Alamogordo

Alameda Park
Drove the sixteen miles down to Alamogordo in order to do a long walk in Alameda Park, the longest, narrowest park I've ever seen.  The old Cottonwood Trees provide wonderful shade, though, and it was nice to have shade on such a hot morning.  While we were there a long, Union Pacific train sped by.  Funny because in Alameda Park there's a narrow-gauge railroad for kids that completely encircles the grounds,.
Huge old Cottonwood Trees

A train speeding past the park

Union Pacific locomotives

A very long train

Snapdragons at HiDri

Would you call this color "puce"?

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Those cottonwood trees were magnificent.


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