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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dry, Dry, Dry

Not a leaf to be found on this large Ocotillo
It's now been 98 days since we've had measurable precipitation, and that was .16" of snow--hardly enough to wet your whistle.  The local meteorologist said the record is 109 days, and we're well on our way to breaking it.  No rain on the horizon.  Farmers here in southern New Mexico, who generally rely on surface water from the Rio Grande, are having to pump water from deep in the aquifers--undergrounds lakes.  Pumping water without recharging it with rain leads to very scarce water resources--not a good thing in the desert.
Becca finds paltry shade in the Ocotillo's shadow

A very parched desert

Didn't like the way this Turkey Vulture was eyeing us

Long-range shot of a Coyote making tracks

Same Coyote makes sure nobody's looking

Coyote defecates in desert

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Great photos of the coyotes--I've never seen one defecating before.

Antes del Viento

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