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Monday, May 2, 2011

Call of the Wild

Female Boat-Tailed Grackle
It's been 88 days since we've had measurable rain, and the desert is parched.  The Abrams fire in the Organ Mountains is into its 12th day, and it's burned over 20,000 acres.  At least the wind has subsided somewhat.  But it brought in a real cold front--surprising for the month of May.  When we started out this morning it was 37 degrees F.  Today was a good day for spotting wildlife:  a Boat-Tailed Grackle (so-named because its tail turns upright during flight, much like the rudder of a ship.  A couple of curious Coyotes were checking out Becca and me. No, not for dates.  And the Roadrunner was just around the corner from the wild canids.
Fire still burns in the Organ Mountains

Dry Arroyo west of Tortugas (Tortoise) Mountain

K-9 respite

Somebody's watching

In fact, two somebodies are watching

Wile E. Coyote?

Why the long face?

Beep Beep

Roadrunners are members of the Cuckoo family


Dr. K said...

Great photos of the wildlife. It always surprises me when you mention that roadrunners are members of the cukoo family.

Caroline said...

I didn't know they are part of the cuckoo family! Great animal photos -- are you sure they weren't looking for dates?

Antes del Viento

View of Tortugas and the Organs from LDR-A arroyo Sunny with little wind when Dr. K, Willow and I set off on our morning hike.  We saw the T...