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Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Kerfuffle?

Always ready to go
99 days without rain.  Things are extremely dry.  We're nine parched days away from tying the all-time record for rainless days.  Parts of southeastern New Mexico and West Texas are in even more dire straits.

The last photo here (hard to make out) is of an off-road vehicle's tire tracks.  Some brainless toad (disservice to toads) decided to drive his SUV along a single-track hiking trail.  There are no words to describe this type of stupidity.
Dust bath

Exposed roots of an Ocotillo

Some greenery in a sea of dryness

Extremely parched desert

Becca takes a break

Distant Bishop's Cap

Really cute dog

Off-road idiot tracks

1 comment:

Jasmine Walt said...

Just curious... but is this part of your property or just near where you live?

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