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Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Faces of a Trickster

A young Coyote at the waterhole
A young Coyote, looking fairly thin, visited the waterhole at the Chihuahuan Observation Center.  He drank his fill and then some before finally moving across the arroyo into the Mesquite bosque (forest) on the far side, where he disappeared--probably to lie in wait for a rabbit or other tasty rodent to eat.

In many Native American cultures, Old Man Coyote was a Trickster, alternately wise or foolish, but never playing by conventional rules.
Good to the last drop

Should I go or stay?

Why the long face?

Something to eat in that tree

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Dr. K said...

These are remarkable photos.

ToniL said...

Love your daily photos, Rob

Jenny-B said...

Wow - very cool. Where my parents live coyotes are a bit of nuisance. During the winter they have to be careful to keep their dog on a leash as the coyotes are very bold and will come right up to the house.


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