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Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Lonely Trickster

Brer Coyote headed down the arroyo bank
This guy--a solitary Coyote--showed up at the Chihuahuan Observation Center just before sunset.  After taking a long drink at the waterhole, he crossed down into the arroyo, emerging onto the far bank.  Obviously hungry, he was scouting the area for a quick meal--a rabbit or, God forbid, a tasty Pack Rat.  After a short while he disappeared into the Mesquite bosque on the far side of the arroyo.

He comes out on the far side of the arroyo

Always on the alert for dinner

He picks up a scent

Just about to disappear into the Mesquite Trees

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Great photos, Packrat. He looks as if he could use a good meal.

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