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Friday, December 28, 2012

Another Day on the Grandview Trail

Ranch at the base of the mountains
Because Dr. K was meeting a colleague in Cloudcroft this morning, we did a quick hike on the Grandview Trail, which is very convenient to reach.  There was a car with Texas plates parked at the trailhead, but we never saw the owner.  Figured the occupants probably linked the Grandview Trail and the Bridal Veil Falls Trail for a 6.5-mile round tripper.  We did just under 3 miles before heading out; just enough of a hike to satisfy the consummate outdoorsdog, Becca.
Hairy Woodpecker

Waiting patiently to be released

Rolling foothills

Smoke signals (not really)

At the midway point


Dr. K said...

It was amazing how much noise that very small woodpecker made.

Scott said...

Great light for photography for the images on this post and the last, Packrat; it looks great there.

We're forecast to receive 2-4 inches of wet snow today (Saturday), possibly mixed with rain. Great slop! Sunny on Sunday, so most of the stuff, at least on pavement, will melt (I hope).

packrat said...

We've got another system coming in Sunday night, Scott, so we've decided to head back to the lower Chihuahuan Desert for a spell. We had a friend visit us yesterday, and she couldn't get her car up the steep, icy section of our drive. We've got another visitor coming in a few days, and we didn't want to have her drive her passenger car up here.

Wednesday's Walkabout

Tortugas and the Organs It wasn't as cold as it was yesterday morning, but it felt pretty chilly when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily ...