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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Chimney Sweeping

Artsy photo of The Beckster
Dr. K, Becca and I did a long hike west of Tortugas Mountain this morning, and we were stopped by a man and young woman on an ATV.  The man said, "Have you seen two cowboys and a bull out here?"  We had to admit we had not.  Apparently a bull had escaped the rodeo grounds and the two cowpokes were out trying to round it up.  After we got home I had to make tracks up to the cabin because tomorrow morning a chimney sweep will show up to clean the stack and put a new mesh screen on the cap.  Last time we were here we had birds in the wood stove.


Dr. K said...

I'm glad we didn't run into that wondering bull.

Scott said...

How long does it take you to "run up to the cabin," Packrat?

packrat said...

1 1/2 hours via shanks Jeep, Scott.


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